Along with milk, water is the best drink choice for kids. It's key to developing strong joints & bones, aids circulation, & helps kids maintain a healthy weight. In addition, staying hydrated improves mood, memory & attention.
Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics to entice everyone in the family to drink healthy and stay hydrated throughout the day:
Infuse water with lemons, berries, cucumber or mint for some added flavor. This is an easy way to keep the whole family coming back for refills.
Keep fruits & vegetables that are high in water content handy. Some of the best vegetables to choose from are cucumber, zucchini, iceberg lettuce, celery, & tomato. Top fruits include watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, & grapefruit.
Freeze fruit inside ice cubes. It dresses up the drinks at any table, & young children can help fill the trays.
Delight kids with special water bottles or cups. Whether it is a personalized sports bottle or a fancy cup with an umbrella or swirly straw, adding a festive touch can go a long way.
Make your own popsicles with pureed fruit for an afternoon cool-down. Make it a fun family activity by using small paper cups. Let your kids decorate them before filling or look for popsicle molds in fun shapes & colors.